May 27, 2010

The Purpose Driven Life

Hi everyone, my english students and I are listening to the audiobook Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren, and I want to post some thoughts and ideas about this great book. I hope you like and feel welcome to share and discuss each day's message with us.

Purpose Driven Life - Day 1
"Thinking about my purpose"

Three insights into your life purpose:

  1.  You discover your identity and purpose through a relationship with Jesus Christ.
  2. God was thinking of you, long before you have thought about Him.
  3. The purpose of your life fits into a much larger cosmic purpose.
• God planned your life before you exist.
• You were born by God's purpose and for God's purpose.

Point to Ponder: It's not about me.

Verse to Remember: "Everything got started in him and finds its purpose in him." Colossians 1: 16b (Msg)

Question to Consider: In spite of all the advertising around me, how can I remind myself that life is really about living for God, not myself?

Listen to the Day 1 - The purpose driven life

1 comment:

  1. Hi!!!
    I was a student to CDR!!!
    I stoped my English, because I start to study in the college. So I hope that I can finish my English course!
    Kisses to everybody at CDR!!
    BYE!! BYE!!
    Aline Viana

    Teachers could you visiting my brother and friend's blog? please!
    My brother is Alan Viana, he is a student at CDR!! I saw photos of him at this site!!

